
Building on the Estate

The Maremmana Estate is situated on the banks of the Bot River, some +/- 5 km from the Village of Bot River. The Estate is accessed from the Karwyderskraal Road (R43), +/- 700 meters from the turnoff onto the Karwyderskraal road from the R43 to Hermanus.

Town Planning & Homeowner Checklist for Maremmana Estate



Prescription for Maremmana Estate

Specific to Maremmana Court Sites

Specific to Maremmana Fynbos & Paddock Sites

Homeowner Checklist

Portion number





Primary use

Residential dwelling


Erf size



Site dimensions






65% being 200sqm + 60sqm for stoep, verandah & car port coverage limited to ground floor



Maximum allowable bulk, which includes the area covered by the ground floor of the house and any first floor space is 1


First floor

Maximum wall plate height of 1.4m


Basement floor




6.5m above the natural ground level of the site


Building line

0m (zero metres) applies to all boundaries of all the sites


Building style

Contemporary Cape Barn simple design depicted as single storey in building expression with rectilinear planes only for doors and fenestration.


Building shape


H, L, T or U



Building orientation


One primary form parallel to the court it faces

Must be placed parallel with the long boundaries of the site, with the gables facing the short side boundaries


Primary building forms

Minimum one primary building form of rectangular design with double pitched roofs (35-45 deg)

Maximum width of 6.5m and a length which is a minimum of twice its width

Must have gabled ends.

May be linked directly to each other with hipped or valley roofs

Parallel to each other and each primary form must be roofed individually


Secondary building forms

Abut or link primary forms and have concrete flat roofs or low pitch (≤ 5 deg) sheet metal roofing.

Highest point of Secondary Building Forms must be no higher than 200mm below the eaves of a Primary Building Form.


Exclusive Use

600sqm surrounding the portion

No structures or hard landscaping

Only soft landscaping in line with authorized plant list for locally indigenous and non-invasive species. 

Any vegetable garden or other non-indigenous planting may only be planted within the 400sqm site.


Prescription for Maremmana Estate

Specific to Maremmana Court Sites

Specific to Maremmana Fynbos & Paddock Sites

Homeowner Checklist

Finished Floor Level

No more than 1.2m above natural ground


Driveway Access

Single pair of concrete strips from street access (applies regardless if single or double garage)

Driveway access should be to a particular side boundary

Restricted to the street facing boundary



Two parking bays in addition to any garaging is required


Roof material & colour

Pre-coloured S-profile corrugated metal sheeting in single shade of grey for all primary forms. No thatch roofs permitted.

Secondary forms and stoeps may use stone-chip or glazing subject to restrictions in the design controls.


External Wall Colour

Selection from Maremmana Estate colour palette.

Single colour for primary forms.

Secondary darker shade may be selected for secondary form.


Bagged Brick Work

Limited to 25% of external walls of primary form for feature walls or chimneys. No bagged brick on gable ends except for chimneys. Grey or white cement wash to be used.


Door Material & Colour

Natural or painted (same hue as wall colour) timber or powder coated aluminum (to match roof colour)


Window Types & Finishes

Windows are to be rectilinear. Natural or painted (same hue as wall colour) timber or powder coated aluminum (to match roof colour)



Functional shutters only. Material and finishes are to match the window finishes and doors of the house.


Burglar Bars

Simple design only; no Trellidor-style for external use 


Boundary wall or Fence

Must not exceed three sides of the dwelling with the fourth side being the street facing side of the dwelling and driveway remaining unenclosed. Max height of 1.8m. 

Post and rail-style fencing with horizontal and vertical wooden poles and wire mesh must be used for any fencing. No ClearVu fencing.

Low werf walls also permitted. Max 800mm. 

As prescribed for the estate



Simple design in timber or steel or combination


Prescription for Maremmana Estate

Specific to Maremmana Court Sites

Specific to Maremmana Fynbos & Paddock Sites

Homeowner Checklist

Rainwater Goods

Pre-coloured metal downpipes must match the colour of the roof and gutter, or PVC pipes to be painted to match same hue of wall colour.


Swimming Pool

Only permitted within 400sqm. Pool fence and cover to follow national regulations; colour and materials to follow estate regulations. 


Solar or Alternative Power for Geyser

50% of water heating must be via solar and/or heat pumps as per national regulations. Where solar panels are on street facing boundary, a split system geyser is required.


Solar or Alternative Power for Other

Solar & alternative power encouraged.

Only sound attenuated generators permitted.


Gas Hob

Mandatory for cooking


External Taps

Mandatory for 2 taps, one on either side of the dwelling; however having four is encouraged 


Water Tanks

Encouraged; colour must match background colour 



What's happening in the area

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